Permaculture design and urban horticulture
PERMA-HORTI - Zadar initiative for permaculture design and urban horticulture
Official web site of the project
PERMA-HORTI is an initiative aimed at strengthening the local partnership for employment in Zadar County. The first: "Contribute to increasing the employability of the most vulnerable groups on the labor market by developing and implementing an innovative interdisciplinary training program for permaculture design and urban horticulture. The second goal is: "Enable the effective implementation of the county's human resources development strategy by adapting existing and introducing new educational methods and content in partner schools.
Applicant: Agricultural, food and veterinary school Stanko Ožanić
- Agency for Rural Development of Zadar County AGRRA
- Association of abstinent people for help with resocialization "Porat"
- University of Zadar
- Voštarnica Primary School Zadar, Nasadi d.o.o.
Project value: HRK 854,143.00
Implemented projects
Social Economy Laboratories for the New Bauhaus in European Rural Communities
B.Ready – Strong Associations for a Resilient Community
Strengthen the capacities of CSOs in Zadar County to achieve a higher level of self-sustainability and resilience in crises, strengthen the cooperation of the civil and public sector in building greater community resilience to crisis situations and improv
Civil Society Organizations as a response to the crisis
CSOs as a response to the crisis - Strengthening the capacity of CSOs to respond to the needs of the local community