Official web site of the project
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Applicant Organisation: Associacio Programes Educatius Open Europe
Duration: 01/12/2017 - 31/05/2020
Project Budget: 219.635,00 €
"Europe has always kept up with innovative ideas. If we choose to hold on to the innovator’s path…we have to focus on people, places and processes.” (European Political Strategy Centre Strategic Notes,2017)
Focusing on people, we should have in mind that every person ought to have a better chance in his/her life and receive support if he/she experiences special difficulties. It is a win-win strategy as it promotes personal and professional development of an individual as well as society flourishing. In this context, it is crucial to improve learning opportunities for low-skilled adults, especially from the disadvantaged groups, such as young people and people with special needs, because of their stigmatization and exclusion from the pool of employable people. The skills development will improve their life chances and promote their inclusion.
1) Support development of a quality learning offer in the field of adult education focusing on learning outcomes and learner responsibility and autonomy;
2) Promote the use of technology in educational and civil participation processes;
3) Provide all interested stakeholders – adult learners, educational centers, civil organizations, decision-makers - with an access to open and innovative teaching/learning tools through the SMART platform;
4) Foster the international cooperation of organizations active in adult education and civil participation focusing on active inclusion of the youth and people with special needs.
Project main outcomes:
- Design a SMART platform, an open education resource;
- Design and deploy a training for trainers and an e-course for adult educators in order to improve their digital and professional competences;
- Design an e-course and organise piloting in partner countries targeting young people and people with special needs in order to improve their digital skills and civic literacy to be able to make “smart” changes;
- Improve attractiveness and access of the disadvantaged groups to new career paths in the field of digital technologies and sustainable community development.
Our role
AGRRA will be in charge of the SMART CHANGE section development and will take part in the definition of learning objectives and expected learning outputs of the courses, development of the courses curriculum and teaching/learning materials for educators and adult learners.
Partners and countries involved:
Open Europe (Spain), Istituto Dei Sordi (Italy), Domspain Consulting Sl (Spain), Collegium Balticum (Poland), Apeirons (Latvia), AGRRA (Croatia), European Digital Learning Network (Italy), Iliria (Kosovo).
Implemented projects
Social Economy Laboratories for the New Bauhaus in European Rural Communities
B.Ready – Strong Associations for a Resilient Community
Strengthen the capacities of CSOs in Zadar County to achieve a higher level of self-sustainability and resilience in crises, strengthen the cooperation of the civil and public sector in building greater community resilience to crisis situations and improv
Civil Society Organizations as a response to the crisis
CSOs as a response to the crisis - Strengthening the capacity of CSOs to respond to the needs of the local community