Programme defines 16 measures, aiming at increasing competitiveness of Croatian agriculture, forestry and manufacturing, as well as improving living and working conditions in rural areas.

Programme defines 16 measures, aiming at increasing competitiveness of Croatian agriculture, forestry and manufacturing, as well as improving living and working conditions in rural areas.

Programme defines 16 measures, aiming at increasing competitiveness of Croatian agriculture, forestry and manufacturing, as well as improving living and working conditions in rural areas.
About Us
Agency for Rural Development of Zadar County is a public institution founded by the County of Zadar with the aim of infroming, coordinating and implementing the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 and strengthening the financial and human resources of regional and local self-government and organization of the institutions for rural policy and rural development as well as their active involvement in the design and implementation of rural development.
AGRRA is monitoring strategies at national and EU level and aligning regional and local level documents with agricultural policies and rural development policies.
Activities Our teamProjects being implemented
Bridging Agriculture and Biodiversity with Augmented Reality
The ECOSCAPE project, through its implementation, will offer solutions for the conservation of biodiversity in agriculture, as well as train farmers and trainers in effective biodiversity management.
Enhancing SMEs’ modernization and green innovation and transition towards successful sustainability by transnational collaborative practices and tools
GECO 2.2
Green Economy and CO2.2
GECO2.2 (Green Economy and CO2.2) project, funded by the Interreg Italy-Croatia Programme, aims to create a regional voluntary carbon market in agriculture. It promotes practices that boost carbon in soil and biomass, enhancing farm resilience to flooding and drought. Outcomes include raising climate awareness, enabling companies to offset carbon through regional credits, and developing a scalable market model for Europe.
Civil Protection Plan Digitalization througs Internet of Things Decision Support System based Platform
Natural disasters, as well as man-made disasters, do not recognize state boundaries. Therefore, it is very important to establish a common strategic and operational platform aimed at more effectively addressing them.
Marine Adriatic PArks
Numerous threats to marine biodiversity occur at different levels, from the devastation of marine habitats to the great exploitation of marine resources. The consequences of this are social, economic and biological negative effects, which cross national borders. Considering the ubiquity of the aforementioned problem in the Adriatic, Croatia and Italy have a key role in the management of coastal and marine ecosystems and the preservation of biological diversity.
GREEN AND MYSTICAL DANUBE STORYTELLING ROUTE - Transnational valorisation of natural and intangible cultural heritage for socio-economic development of rural areas in the Danube region
The Mystical Danube project aims to address challenges and needs in the Danube Region, focusing on the valorisation of natural and intangible cultural heritage for tourism development and regional economic growth. The project targets rural and less visited areas facing high unemployment and social exclusion, particularly among disadvantaged groups. By leveraging the rich natural and cultural heritage of these regions, the project seeks to foster community development through transnational collaboration and the creation of a thematic tourism route – the Green and Mystical Danube Storytelling Route. This route will showcase local stories, legends, and knowledge, engaging local communities, including disadvantaged groups, in the development of community-based tourism services.
Governance of Wetlands in Italy-Croatia cross border region - GREW
Coastal wetlands of Italy-Croatia cross-border region are facing severe impacts and consequent environmental modifications due to CC impacts. To cope with this open challenges a joint cross-border effort is needed as a “community of practice” represents a stronger response than isolated approaches. Exchanging and comparing strategies and solutions is a corner stone for adaptation to such a complexity as CC impacts in the area. Because of these threats, the management of wetlands and the protection of their biodiversity requires to overcome the sectorial and localised approach implemented until now and needs to tackle the problem from an eco-systemic point of view and an integrated approach.
DetailsCities Go Climate Neutral
Environment and fight against climate change
The project aims to enhance and upskill the competences of municipal employees in order to enable them to design climate neutral cities strategies, such as Climate City Contracts. Furthermore strengthen the innovation and design capacity of Municipality employees regarding urban sustainable development by training them specific in strategy design and entrepreneurship.